Donations Page

Use the DONATE icon above to donate. Donations go to the Jack Meehan Memorial Fund Support, the Westside Hope Squad, and other local suicide awareness organizations. If you want to learn more about Hope Squad, go to the Hope Squad page on the website! 

Use the VOLUNTEER icon above to sign up to help during the kickball tournament! Volunteers are very appreciated!

The majority of the donations will go towards Westside's Hope Squad, a suicide prevention program at Westside High School. Hope Squad has been in effect since 2016, and Westside founded a division in 2021. It is a life-saving organization that is growing by the day. Check out more about Hope Squad or Westside's branch below! 

Hope Squad

Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. It was initially founded in Utah by Dr. Gregory A. Hudnall, a high school principal. After experiencing two suicides a year for over 12 years, Hudnall decided to do something about it. The goal of Hope Squad is to prevent youth suicides by educating and spreading suicide awareness. Hope Squad members are trained on suicide and how/what to do if you are personally experiencing it or witnessing someone else struggling. Hope Squad members are in place to connect individuals struggling and a trusted adult. They are not counselors or therapists but trusted friends. This is why he started Hope Squad; over the years, data has shown that it has a positive effect on the students.

Westside's Hope Squad

After losing their son, Jack, to suicide, Mike and Lisa Meehan learned of Hope Squad and thought it would be a perfect thing to start a Westside branch. Hope Squad’s first year at Westside was in 2021, and it has taken off. Nearly a hundred students have joined, and it has become a massive part of extracurriculars at Westside. 

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